MOVES JOURNAL IJOSTHE2022-04-18T10:34:24-04:00JOHNcontact@ijosthe.comOpen Journal Systems<p><strong>Scope For Publication:</strong></p> <p>Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering and Electronic Engineering. </p> <p><strong>Aim & Vision</strong></p> <p>It is aimed to help the students, researchers, teachers, authors and independent workers. International Journal Online will encourage all original work which contributes to a better understanding of the journal. It aims to provide a platform to the research scholars and academicians and encourages them globally to share their professional and academic knowledge in the fields of sports, its technology. The Journal considers for publication Original Research and Review Papers in the sub-disciplines relating generally to the Science, Sports Technology and Human Engineering. Our vision is to reach a large number of audiences worldwide with original and current research work completed on the vital issues of the above important disciplines. Other original work like, book reviews, PhD and Masters’ dissertations are also welcome in this journal.</p> on Cooling Performance of Transformers2022-02-23T09:09:32-05:00Vishwanath Sharmavishwanathsharma.peoples@gmail.comProf. Shashi Kant<p>A power transformer is connected that converts electricity from one wired circuit to the next until maintaining a steady frequency. A transformer is characterized as static equipment because it does not rotate or transform into something new. This study discusses the concept, classifications, and operating procedures of transformers. The fundamental operation of transformers is seen below.</p>2022-02-23T00:00:00-05:00Copyright (c) 2022 Vishwanath Sharma, Prof. Shashi Kant Sharma Techniques for STATCOM using Artificial Intelligence2022-03-09T10:31:44-05:00Vidhyavati Suryawanshividhya_vs2003@yahoo.comDr. Surbhi<p><strong>The static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) is a power electronic converter designed to be shunt-connected with the grid to compensate for reactive power. Although they were originally proposed to increase the stability margin and transmission capability of electrical power systems, there are many papers where these compensators are connected to distribution networks for voltage control and power factor compensation. In these applications, they are commonly called distribution static synchronous compensator (DSTATCOM).</strong> <strong>In this paper we have focussed on STATCOM and the controlling techniques which are based on artificial intelligence.</strong></p>2022-02-28T00:00:00-05:00Copyright (c) 2022 Vidhyavati Suryawanshi, Dr. Surbhi Gupta of LVDS and HVDS with Distribution Losses2022-04-18T10:34:24-04:00Anshul Bhanu Tiwarianshulbhanutiwari@gmail.comProf. Priyank Manju<p><strong>The distribution system is a part of the electronic energy system by giving power to individual homes. Highly standardized LV distribution cables build a network in large towns and cities via link devices. For each (fused) distribution leaving a transformer, certain interconnections are disconnected, resulting in a branching wide radial distribution system. A more expense tapering circumferential supply chain, in which thinner connections are added as the distances from the a transformer increases, is typically utilized in less population centers. This study discussed transmission systems . for example as well as several types of promotional systems, including such high power and high power logistics operations</strong></p>2022-02-28T00:00:00-05:00Copyright (c) 2022 Anshul Bhanu Tiwari, Prof. Priyank Shrivastava, Dr. Manju Gupta