Overview of LVDS and HVDS with Distribution Losses


  • Anshul Bhanu Tiwari
  • Prof. Priyank Shrivastava
  • Dr. Manju Gupta


HVDS, LVDS, Distribution system, LV, HV .


The distribution system is a part of the electronic energy system by giving power to individual homes. Highly standardized LV distribution cables build a network in large towns and cities via link devices. For each (fused) distribution leaving a transformer, certain interconnections are disconnected, resulting in a branching wide radial distribution system. A more expense tapering circumferential supply chain, in which thinner connections are added as the distances from the a transformer increases, is typically utilized in less population centers. This study discussed transmission systems . for example as well as several types of promotional systems, including such high power and high power logistics operations

Author Biographies

Anshul Bhanu Tiwari


M.Tech Scholar

Department of Electrical &Electronics Engineering

Oriental Institute Of Science And Technology

 Bhopal (MP), India

Prof. Priyank Shrivastava

Assistant Professor

Department of Electrical &Electronics Engineering

Oriental Institute Of Science And Technology

 Bhopal, MP, India

Dr. Manju Gupta

Associate Professor

Department of Electrical &Electronics Engineering

Oriental Institute of Science and Technology

Bhopal, M.P., India


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How to Cite

Tiwari, A. B., Shrivastava, P. P. ., & Gupta, D. M. . (2022). Overview of LVDS and HVDS with Distribution Losses. SMART MOVES JOURNAL IJOSTHE, 9(1), 15–20. Retrieved from https://ijosthe.com/index.php/ojssports/article/view/177


